布拉德: 你還好吧?
Lydia: What...what happened?
莉迪亞: 發生什么...什么事了?
Brad: You lost consciousness and someone called 911. My name is Brad and I'm a paramedic. Can you answer a few questions for me?
布拉德: 你失去了知覺,有人撥打了911。我叫布拉德,是名護理人員。你能回答我幾個問題嗎?
Lydia: I'll try.
莉迪亞: 我試試。
Brad: Have you ever blacked out before?
布拉德: 你曾經暈倒過嗎?
Lydia: No, I don't think so.
莉迪亞: 不,我想沒有。
Brad: Do you have a history of medical problems? Do you have any allergies to medication?
布拉德: 你有沒有其它疾病史?你對什么藥物過敏嗎?
Lydia: Not that I know of.
莉迪亞: 據我所知沒有。
Brad: Okay. Where are you hurt? Are you in any pain?
布拉德: 好的。你哪兒受傷了嗎?哪里感到疼痛嗎?
Lydia: I think I hit my head when I fell down. Oh, it's bleeding. Oh my God, I'm bleeding!
莉迪亞: 我想我摔倒時把頭撞了。啊,頭在流血。啊,天哪,我在流血!
Brad: Stay calm and let me examine the wound.
布拉德: 保持冷靜,我來幫你檢查傷口。
Lydia: Oh my God, I'm going to bleed to death!
莉迪亞: 哦,天哪,我要留血過多而死!
Brad: Try to stay still. The wound doesn't look too serious, but we'll get you to the hospital to get checked out. We'll get a stretcher so we can get you into the ambulance and take you to the emergency room. Try to stay clam.
布拉德: 試著保持靜止。傷勢看起來不太嚴重,但我們會把你送去醫院做檢查。我們會找一個擔架把你抬上救護車,然后送你去急診室。盡量保持冷靜。
Lydia: Calm? How can I stay calm when I'm bleeding to death? I need a helicopter to take me to the hospital right away. Call medivac!
莉迪亞: 冷靜?當我失血過多快要死的時候,如何能保持冷靜?現在我需要一架直升飛機送我去醫院。叫救護直升機!
Brad: Ma'am, you don't need a helicopter. I'm just going to give you a little injection to help you with the pain and to help you relax.
布拉德: 女士,你不需要直升機。我剛給你注射了一點藥物來幫助你緩解疼痛,幫助你放松。
Lydia: I'm going to die...I'm going to...
莉迪亞: 我要死了...我要...