Julio: Hi, Aunt Louisa, it's Julio.
朱諾: 嗨,路易莎阿姨,我是朱諾。
Paula: ...And Paula. I'm on the extension in the kitchen.
保拉: ...還有寶拉。我在接聽廚房的分機。
Julio: Anyway, we just wanted to call and wish you a speedy recovery. Get plenty of bed rest and take it easy. Avoid greasy or spicy foods and drink lots of liquids. You don't want to become dehydrated.
Paula: Don't listen to him. You need to stay active and not get in the habit of sitting around. You'll recover faster if you get up and move around a lot.
保拉: 別聽他說。您需要保持活躍,而不是養成閑坐的習慣。如果您勤于起床,多四處走動,您很快就會康復的。
Julio: That's terrible advice. She needs rest and to eat right. You know what they say: “Feed a cold, starve a fever.”
朱諾: 那是個可怕的建議。她需要休息,適當的飲食。你知道有句俗話說“傷風時宜吃,發燒時宜餓。”
Paula: What does that old adage have to do with anything? What you need, Aunt Louisa, is to alternate between a heating pad and an ice pack.
保拉: 這句諺語跟這件事情有什么關系呢?路易莎阿姨,您只需要交換使用加熱墊和冰包就行了。
Julio: What are you talking about? Aunt Louisa has a bad cold.
朱諾: 你在說什么?路易莎阿姨患的是感冒。
Paula: What?! I thought she had a sore back!
保拉: 什么?!我還以為她背痛! |