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上一條: 對話:初次約會如何用英語聊電影 下一條: 情景對話:“純天然食品”怎么說?

A: Ah, I miss shopping in the night markets in China! I loved the give and take of haggling with the merchants to get the best deal possible.

B: Really? I was always so intimidated and felt like I was getting ripped off. I think I would rather just pay whatever is on the price tag...

A: You are such a baby! 跟小商販打交道,砍價是必備本領!

B: Well, bargaining is not my strong point. Generally I just go online and look for flash sales, which are a lot cheaper than the ticket price.

A: Because I'm your friend I'm going to give you the facts: you have zero strong points. But you just mentioned a really good word, flash sale! 咱們來學學這個詞兒是什么意思!

今天我們要學的詞是flash sale, flash is spelled f-l-a-s-h, flash, sale is spelled s-a-l-e, sale, flash sale. Flash sale是限時搶購,也叫閃購。有研究顯示,Accessories are among the most sought after items on flash sale sites. 閃購網站上,服裝配飾屬于最搶手的商品。Flash sale websites claim to offer deep discounts on brand products to attract consumers. 閃購網站以低價出售名牌產品為賣點,吸引消費者。The new flash sale site is targeting young mothers with small children at home. 這個新開的閃購網站,希望吸引的消費人群是那些家里孩子還小的年輕媽媽們。好的,今天我們學習的詞是flash sale, flash sale, flash sale...

A: 閃購是不錯,不過我覺得這樣特別容易讓人沖昏頭腦,看見特便宜就拼命買! 最后買的都是一些你永遠不會用的東西。

B: Exactly, It's an old marketing trick. They create a false sense of urgency so the buyer doesn't have time to talk themselves out of the purchase.

A: Exactly. Sometimes the companies try to gloss over any defects the product has, which is probably why they are so cheap in the first place!

    發表時間:[ 2013/9/14 ] 瀏覽次數: [ 3415 ]
上一條: 對話:初次約會如何用英語聊電影 下一條: 情景對話:“純天然食品”怎么說?
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