A: The children in the library were so well-behaved that I could hardly believe my ears.
B: There was one young man, Brain, who was the most polite out of them all.
A: I wonder if their parents know how refined they are becoming at the academy.
A: 我簡直不能相信圖書館里的這群孩子這么乖。
B: 他們中間有個叫Brain的年輕人最有禮貌。
A: 我懷疑他們的父母是不是知道孩子們在學校里變得這么有教養。
well-behaved: 行為端正的,彬彬有禮的。
polite: 有禮貌的;優雅的。
refined: 優雅的;有教養的。
academy: 美國私立大學的預科學校;私立中學。
A: I found the first salesperson to be the most elegant out of the whole group. She seemed to be very attentive to our needs and extremely polished when we discussed our concerns.
B: Yes, she was a good saleswoman and also well-mannered.
A: 我覺得全組推銷員中,她最有風度。她似乎對我們的需求很上心,而且在討論我們的事情的時候,她也極其彬彬有禮。
B: 是的,她是個很好的推銷員,而且很有禮貌。
elegant: 優雅的,精致的。
attentive: 考慮周到的,有禮貌的;殷勤的。
polished: 精湛的,優雅的。
well-mannered: 有禮貌的。 |