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上一條: 情景對話:“換位思考”英語怎么說? 下一條: 情景對話:“閨蜜”英文怎么說?


Jessica: Jimmy! I heard you got the scholarship from Cambridge University! 你真厲害啊!

Jimmy: 嘿嘿,沒什么大不了的。

Jessica: But that scholarship is very hard to get. After you graduate from Cambridge, 你就是“精英”啦!

Jimmy: 哪里!我也就一普通人,ordinary person!

Jessica: Hmmm...I wouldn't call a Cambridge graduate an average Joe.

Jimmy: An average Joe? An average Joe就是指普通人,平頭百姓么?

Jessica: That's right. I think it's because the name "Joe" is very common in English, just like 張三李四 in Chinese.

Jimmy: 對,我就和張三李四一樣,你把我往人堆里一放,就找不著啦!

Jessica: Haha! that's a very vivid expression. We have a similar phrase in English. You can say you're "just another face in the crowd".

Jimmy: Just another face in the crowd? 人群中的又一張臉?這個說法好,人海茫茫,你不過就是其中一個而已。對了,說了半天普通人,要是形容那些不同尋常的人,該怎么說呢?

Jessica: You can use "stand out from the crowd" to describe someone who is unusual.

Jimmy: stand out from the crowd, 比別人都站得高,他就明顯,這就是不尋常!

Jessica: That's right. Now let's see what you've learned today!

Jimmy: “普通人”在美語里叫“an average Joe”;還可以說just another face in the crowd;不同尋常則叫stand out from the crowd!

    發表時間:[ 2013/9/13 ] 瀏覽次數: [ 2610 ]
上一條: 情景對話:“換位思考”英語怎么說? 下一條: 情景對話:“閨蜜”英文怎么說?
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