A:I've been so tired recently. I've been trying, but I don't think I'm up to this job.最近很累,我一直都很努力,但是我覺得我不能勝任這個工作。
B:You need to take a break, maybe a vacation.你需要休息一下,或許需要休假。
A:Oh, yes, indeed. I've run out of steam. To be honest, I want to be in a different environment.噢,的確。我已經失去動力了。說實話,我想換個環境。
B:Is that so?這樣?
A:Yes, I don't want to be stuck in a rut. I want to move on.是的,我不想停滯不前,我要進步。
B:Have you decided?你決定了?
A:Yes. I want to get a better job.是的,我想找個更好的工作。
B:Could you tell me why you want to quit?能告訴我為什么要辭職嗎?
A:I quit just because of the dissatisfying salary and the trouble in getting along with my colleagues.我辭職只是因為對薪水不滿意,也很難和同事相處好。
B:Oh, that's terrible. Do you want to get a higher salary in our company?噢,那很糟。你想在公司拿到更高的薪酬嗎?
A:I'm afraid not. I've promised my girlfriend. We'll travel southwards to find a job that offers higher pay.不想了。我答應過我女朋友。我們要一起到南方找個薪水高點的工作。
B:OK, I'd like to say that I've really enjoyed working with you. However, I think you should work harder for your new job and then you can ask for higher pay.好。我想說我和你共事很開心,但是你得知道你要在新工作崗位上更加努力,才可以要求更高的報酬。
A:Thank you so much for your advice.謝謝你的建議。
B:And every best wish for your new job.祝你新工作里一切都好。
A:Thank you.謝謝。