Jessica: Wuqiong, what are you doing on the computer? You've spent hours on the Internet!
WQ: Jessica, 我下個月要去意大利,出門在外,不先看看旅游攻略怎么行?
Jessica: 攻略?Are you going to attack Italy?
WQ: 哪有! 旅游攻略就是去過那里的人寫的心得體會,總結建議,這在美語里要怎么說呢?
Jessica: I see. You were referring to travel tips. You are right, Wuqiong, flipping through travel guide books and get some tips from the Internet can be really helpful, especially when it is your first trip to a new place.
WQ: Yep! For example, I was just looking for ways to get discount on museum tickets, and some of the tips that people shared online came in really handy!
Jessica: Make good use of the tips. They also help you avoid tourist traps!
WQ: Tourist traps? 哦,就是旅游陷阱吧! 這個最煩人了,Tourist traps are annoying and can spoil the whole trip!
Jessica: So, Wuqiong, how long are you going to stay in Italy?
WQ: 我當然希望可以慢慢走,慢慢看,仔細領略意大利的風景和文化,不過我假期有限,財力也有限,所以只有4天時間。
Jessica: Four days only? So you are going to stay in one city?
WQ: Actually I'm going to tour 4 cities and they are far away from each other.
Jessica: I see. This is a whirlwind tour then.
WQ: W-h-i-r-l-w-i-n-d, whirlwind 是旋風的意思,whirlwind tour就是旋風旅游,也就是一陣風似的在很短的時間內去很多地方走馬觀花。唉,I can only afford a whirlwind tour right now. I really wish I had more time and money.
Jessica: You will! Italy's not going anywhere. You can always go back someday!
WQ: 今天我們學了,旅游攻略是travel tips, 旅游陷阱是tourist trap, 旋風旅行則是 whirlwind tour. |