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上一條: 情景對話:被電話騷擾怎么辦 下一條: 情景對話:談談報告的格式

Alex: Good morning. What's with the gloom and doom?

亞歷克斯: 早上好。遭遇什么厄運了嗎?

Paige: Have you seen this morning's newspaper?

佩奇: 你看過今早的報紙嗎?

Alex: No, I haven't.

亞歷克斯: 不,還沒有。

Paige: You'd better read this. It's an article about our company.

佩奇: 你最好讀讀這篇關于我們公司的文章。

Alex: Let me see that. This is outrageous! How can anybody print such lies? We're not on the verge of going under. How did they get a hold of so much misleading and outright wrong information?

亞歷克斯: 讓我看看。太不道德了!竟然有人刊登這樣的謊言?我們公司并沒有瀕臨破產。他們從哪里弄來這些令人誤解、完全錯誤的信息?

Paige: What I'm irate about is what it says about you, as the owner. The article is full of innuendos about your background. It's nothing short of character assassination. We'll sue the paper for defamation of character.

佩奇: 更讓我憤憤不平的是他們對你作為老板的看法。這篇文章處處影射你的背景。這簡直就是在詆毀你的名譽。我們要以毀損名譽罪起訴這家報紙。

Alex: I'm not worried about my personal reputation. I'm more concerned about the company's image. I'm going down to that paper and making them print a retraction.

亞歷克斯: 我擔心的不是個人的名譽。我更關心公司的形象。我會主動聯系該報,讓他們撤回報紙上的言論。

Paige: How're you going to do that?

佩奇: 你打算如何去做?

Alex: After I call the reporter a no-good mudslinger, I'll give him the facts, the ones he neglected to include in this story.

亞歷克斯: 首先我會稱該記者是個無良誹謗者,然后再擺事實,那些他在報道中避而不談的事實。

Paige: Be careful what you say to him, especially in front of his coworkers. You don't want him suing you for slander!

佩奇: 和他說話要謹慎,尤其是在他的同事面前。你不希望反被他以誹謗罪起訴吧!

    發表時間:[ 2013/9/14 ] 瀏覽次數: [ 1897 ]
上一條: 情景對話:被電話騷擾怎么辦 下一條: 情景對話:談談報告的格式
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