Courteney:Which of these vendors do you think we should go with?
柯特妮: 你認為我們應該選擇哪個供應商?
Dante: I'm really hesitant to make a decision until we've pondered the options a little longer. We don't want to make any rash decisions.
丹蒂: 我要思考一段時間后再做決定,現在我有點猶豫不決。我們不想草率做出決定。
Courteney: We've sat on this for long enough, don't you think? I know you're of two minds about whether we should be switching vendors in the middle of the year, but I think it's the right move. We had sound reasons for doing this, remember?
柯特妮: 我們擱置這個問題的時間已經夠長了,你不覺得嗎?我知道在年中更換供應商的問題上你還心存猶豫,但我覺得這是正確的舉措。我們有正當的理由這么做,記得嗎?
Dante: Yes, yes, I know that it wasn't a split-second decision, but whether it'll really save us money is debatable.
丹蒂: 是的,是的,我知道那不是個即時決定,關鍵是在節省資金方面還有爭議。
Courteney: I have to disagree with you there. We've both seen the reports and I don't think there are any ifs, ands, or buts about it. We're going to save money.
柯特妮: 在這一點上我必須反對你。我們都看過報告,我認為不會有任何“如果”“但是”存在。我們肯定會省到錢。
Dante: Okay, I'm willing to make a tentative decision to go with GreatDeal Corp. as our new vendor, as long as that decision isn't set in stone. We'll revisit this decision in six months to see if they're working out.
丹蒂: 好吧,那我就初步決定和 GreatDeal 公司合作吧,不過這個決定也不是一成不變的。我們有六個月時間來重新審視這個決定,看事情進展得是否順利。
Courteney: I can live with that. Now, can we discuss my raise?
柯特妮: 我接受你的決定。現在,我們來談談給我升職的事情?
Dante: Raise? That's definitely something I'll need to ponder a lot more.
丹蒂: 升職?這件事我肯定需要更長時間來考慮。 |