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上一條: 情景對話:展示作品 下一條: 情景對話:鼓舞別人 Cheering Someone Up


準麗: 哈羅。

Ricardo: Hi, Zuly. How are you?

里卡多: 嗨,準麗。你好嗎?

Zuly: Oh, Ricardo, it's you. I'm doing okay. How are you?

準麗: 啊,里卡多,是你啊。我很好。你好嗎?

Ricardo: I wanted to call and congratulate you on the birth of your new baby.

里卡多: 我打電話是想祝賀你寶寶的誕生。

Zuly: Thanks a lot. Carla was born three weeks ago, and she was 8 pounds, 3 ounces.

準麗: 非常感謝?ɡ瓌偝錾,體重有8磅3盎司。

Ricardo: That's great! How does it feel to be a first-time parent?

里卡多: 太棒了!第一次當父母感覺如何?

Zuly: It's really overwhelming taking care of a newborn. I'm learning everything from scratch, everything from how to breastfeed and bottle-feed, to burping her, to putting her to bed, to using a car seat and a stroller.

準麗: 照顧新生兒真讓人心力交瘁。什么都要從頭學起,從怎么母乳喂養、怎么奶粉喂養,到怎么讓她打嗝,怎么哄她睡覺,怎么使用汽車座椅和推車。

Ricardo: You sound overwhelmed. I remember when Adam, our first child, was born. There were the feedings in the middle of the night, and all of those diapers!

里卡多: 你的聲音很疲憊。我還記得當初我的第一個孩子亞當出生時的情形。半夜得起來喂他奶,還要給他換尿布。

Zuly: Exactly. I'm exhausted all the time. In fact, I find myself dozing off at all hours of the day.

準麗: 沒錯。我總是精疲力盡。實際上,我發現自己一整天都在打瞌睡。

Ricardo: I really sympathize with you, but these days will pass quickly, and then you'll have such great memories. Have you had much sleep?

里卡多: 我真同情你,但這樣的日子很快就會過去,那時留下的全是美好的回憶。你的睡眠充足嗎?

Zuly: Zzzzzzzz!

準麗: 呼呼...

Ricardo: Zuly? Zuly?

里卡多: 準麗?準麗?

    發表時間:[ 2013/9/14 ] 瀏覽次數: [ 2410 ]
上一條: 情景對話:展示作品 下一條: 情景對話:鼓舞別人 Cheering Someone Up
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