有一篇報道中有這樣一句話“這位著名的籃球隊員是加拿大裔”,但這句話不能簡單地譯成“This famous basket-baller is a canadian”。因為所謂“加拿大裔”,是指有加拿大的血緣,但其國籍,根據上下文,卻應該是美國國籍,因此這句話應譯為“This famous basket-baller is a canadian American”。
在提到“亞洲四小龍”時,很多學生馬上會聯想到“four dragons”,孰不知“dragon”在英語中是指一種兇殘的動物,是邪惡的象征,因此應翻譯為“four tigers”。
“笨得像豬”或者“睡得像豬”不能理解為“as stupid as a pig”或者“sleep like a pig”,而要說“as stupid as a donkey”或者“sleep like log”。
漢語的“開”,英語中往往翻譯為“open”,可是“開”這個詞同時存在很多方面的含義:開門open the window 開飯serve a meal 開機器operate a machine 開會hold a meeting 開茶館run a teahouse 開車 drive a car
他有一個姐姐,是醫生。原譯:He has an elder sister is a doctor.
正確譯文:He has an elder sister, who is a doctor.
原譯:I have formed the habit of thinking problems through thoroughly and found a way to get on well with many different types of students.
改譯:I have formed the habit of thinking problems through thoroughly. In addition, I have found a way to get on well with many different types of students.
連詞“and”難以體現前后潛在的“因果”關系。介詞短語“in addition”使前后兩句的內在邏輯得以“外化”,兩句彼此獨立,句義鮮明。
原譯:Mary isn’t fond of study of any kind, she loves music and dancing and is good at singing.
改譯:Mary isn’t fond of study of any kind, but she loves music and dancing and is good at singing.
(C)添加了不必要的連接詞 因為她病了,所以我們去看望她。
原譯:Because she was sick, so we went to see her.
原譯:At 2: 00 p.m. tomorrow in the schoolhall will hold a teaching symposium.
改譯:There will be a teaching symposium in the schoolhall at 2: 00 p.m. tomorrow.
(B)未能正確地使用被動語態 昨天這個男孩傷著了肩膀。
原譯:The boy wounded his shoulder yesterday.
改譯:The boy’s shoulder was wounded yesterday.
例如:“請大家坐好!” 原譯:“Sit well!”
改譯:“Attention, please.”或“May I have your attention?”
在我國中小學課堂上,要求學生坐姿端正,所以經常聽到老師上課對學生說:“Sit well!”(“坐好!”)。從語言角度談,如果一個學生坐姿不好,那應該說:“Sit straight!”。同樣,“站好!”是“Stand straight!”,而不是“Stand well”;從文化上看,它表明不同國家有著不同的教育習俗。在西方國家,就學生姿勢而言,只要不是躺著,或靠在別人身上,并不要求坐直。如果課堂秩序不好,老師一般只是說“Attention, Please.”或“May I have your attention?”
(1)她看起來至少要年輕10歲。She looks at least 10 years younger than her age.
(2)他說得太快,要跟上他實在困難。He speaks too fast. It is hard to keep up with him.
(1)宋徽宗與其說是一位國君,不如說是一位繪畫大師。Song Huizong was more of an artist than a king.
(2)他們爬得高,以便看得更遠。They are climbing higher so that they may get a better view.
(3)我突然想到我們可以用計算機來做這項工作。 It suddenly occurred to me that we could use a computer to do the job.
我們應該保護消費者不受欺騙。 We should protect the consumers from being tricked.
(1)那個國家的氣候除了七月以外都是很溫和的。The climate of that country is mild except in July.
(2)他從小就雙目失明。 He has gone blind since he was young.
(3)那男孩子一躍而起,沖出了房子。The boy jumped to his feet and rushed out of the house.
(4)如果希特勒沒有上臺,歷史的進程就會不一樣了。 If Hitler hadn't come into power, the course of history might have been different.
誤譯:They decided to give up the find, because they have found for a week and nothing was found.
英語中“find”的詞義是強調找沒找到的結果,而不是強調尋找這個動作,look for 才是尋找。所以此句前兩個“find”應該用“search”和“look for”,而“search”強調尋找的難度和認真度。
正確翻譯:They decided to give up the search because they had looked for it for a week and had found nothing.
誤譯:His love went to the airport to see him off. love一般是指戀人、情人,句中的愛人明顯是 指妻子。
正確翻譯:His wife went to the airport to see him off.