Amelia 阿梅莉亞
Amelia Earhart 第一位獨自飛越大西洋的女飛行員
Amelia is a name that flies high on the charts, thanks of course to legendary pilot Amelia Earhart. Earhart set a number of women’s altitude and speed records and also was the first aviator—male or female—to fly alone from Honolulu to Oakland,California and from Mexico City to Newark, New Jersey. Earh art famously disappeared while on a round-the-world flight in 1937, but her popular name doesn’t show signs of vanishing anytime soon.
Coco 可可
Coco Chanel 法國先鋒時裝設(shè)計師,香奈兒(Chanel)品牌的創(chuàng)始人。
Coco Chanel spent much of her childhood in French orphanages yet became one of the most celebrated fashion designers of the 20th century. Chanel’s glamour won fans on both sides of the Atlantic and her eponymous brand continues to be a major presence in fashion today. In recent years, fewer than 100 babies were named Coco annually in the US, but thanks to Chanel, the name will always be stylish.
Eleanor 埃莉諾
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt 美國第32任總統(tǒng)富蘭克林·德拉諾·羅斯福的妻子,曾為美國第一夫人;美國首任駐聯(lián)合國大使;主持起草了《世界人權(quán)宣言》
Eleanor Roosevelt transformed the role of first lady into one of substance. She was out spoken on the issues of women’s and civil rights and continued her political work even after her husband,Franklin Delano Roosevelt, died in office. She was appointed as a delegate to the United Nations General Assembly and chaired the UN Commission on Human Rights. As her legacy lives on, so does her name, which has enjoyed an increase in popularity in recent years.
Elizabeth 伊麗莎白
Elizabeth Alexandra MaryWindsor 英女王伊麗莎白二世
Say the word "queen" and for many Americans, just one person comes to mind—that royal across the pond, Queen Elizabeth II. She as ceded to the throne at the age of 25 in the 1950s after her father’s sudden death and has been head of the monarchy ever since.In the US, the name Elizabeth has enjoyed its own long reign,ranked as one of the 30 most popular girls’ names for more than acentury.
Margaret 瑪格麗特
Margaret Thatcher 英國歷史上第一位女首相
Known as the "Iron Lady", Great Britain’s first female primeminister, Margaret Thatcher, used controversial economic strategies to help revive the UK’s flagging economy while going head to head with trade unions. Certainly no one can deny her pioneering achievements, or the popularity of her name. Its been one of the top 200 girls’ name in the US since the government started its record-keeping in the 1880s.
Sojourner 索杰娜
Sojourner Truth 美國著名非洲裔廢奴主義者和婦女權(quán)利的倡導(dǎo)者;19世紀(jì)的廢奴主義者和女權(quán)提倡者
Sojourner Truth escaped a life of slavery to become aprominent abolitionist as well as an early women’s rights activist. Born Isabella Baumfree, the devout Methodist changed her name to reflect her work as a preacher who traveled the country to advocate for her causes. Just a handful of parents name their daughters So journer in any given year, but students of American history will always know the name.
Sonia 索尼婭
Sonia Sotomayor 從紐約貧民窟走出的美國最高法院法官
Sonia Sotomayor made history as the first Hispanic justice and also as the third woman to join the US Supreme Court. The daughter of a factory worker, So to mayor became a lawyer, a judge, and later, was appointed to the highest court in the land. Even though the last time her name reached new heights was in the 1970s, Supreme Court appointments are for life, so expect Sonia—the justice and the name—to stay relevant for decades to come.
Victoria 維多利亞
Victoria Woodhull 她是第一名在華爾街擁有股票經(jīng)紀(jì)機構(gòu)的女性
Activist Victoria Woodhull didn’t just promote women’s suffrage—she urged citizens to vote for her as the first female candidate for president in the United States in 1872. Another-prominent Victoria, Britain’s Queen Victoria, was born into royalty, inherited the throne at age 18 and reigned over the Victorian era for more than 60 years. In the US, the name has held court as one of the top 100 girls’ names for decades. |