A new product, jointly rolled out by China's largest online marketplace Taobao and German insurer Allianz, will compensate policyholders if they are unable to enjoy full moon gazing at Mid-Autumn Festival.Wei Xiaohao/China Daily
A new product, jointly rolled out by China's largest online marketplace Taobao and German insurer Allianz, will compensate policyholders if they are unable to enjoy full moon gazing at Mid-Autumn Festival.
中秋“賞月險”可以表達為insurance package/policy for full moon gazing,安聯稱之為“賞月保”。這是安聯財險通過分析國內多個城市近20多年的氣象數據,建立風險模型(risk model)后推出的國內首款既與節日相關,又與天氣相關的保險產品。如被保險人(policyholder)所在城市中秋當晚看不到月亮,則可獲賠,最高賠償金額(the maximum payout)為188元。
此前,國內某廉價航空公司還曾推出“航班延誤險”(flight delay insurance),如飛機起飛延誤3小時以上,投保乘客便可獲賠200元。
全險 all risks
年金 annuity
受益人 beneficiary
保險憑證 certificate of insurance
保單 cover note
養老保險 endowment insurance
終身壽險 permanent life insurance
投保單 application
保單 policy
保險人 insurer
被保險人 the insured,insurant
紅利制度 dividend system
保險經紀人 insurance broker
保額 sum insured
第三者責任險 Third Party Liability (TPL)
保險承保人 insurance underwriter
婚姻保險 marriage protection insurance |