平時在辦公室不茍言笑,大男人味十足的家伙跟他女兒講話時可能會變成另外一個人。商場上咄咄逼人的女強人在另一半面前也可能是輕聲細語、小鳥依人的樣子。這樣的角色轉變我們都不陌生,或許每天都在經歷。所以,如果身邊有個男士時不時地用 girlfriend voice跟女友說話,大家也不會覺得太稀奇吧。
Girlfriend voice refers to the change in pitch or tone of a man's voice when talking to their significant other. The girlfriend voice is characterized by a higher pitch and a more effeminate tone with speech patterns scattered with pet names and childish words.
女友專用調(girlfriend voice)指男士在跟自己的另一半說話時聲調和語氣上的變化。這種變化主要體現為:聲調提高、語調更顯溫柔,并且不時夾雜著各種愛稱和幼稚的語言。
This type of speech is usually frowned upon when used in the presence of other men. When another man uses this voice they will usually receive a fair amount of ridicule.
For example:
Did you hear Bob's wicked girlfriend voice when he was talking to Lisa? Let’s give him some whip.
你聽見鮑勃跟麗薩說話時的那個腔調了嗎?咱們去教訓教訓他。 |