近年來年輕人都流行去度假地舉行婚禮,馬爾代夫、巴厘島、歐洲教堂……都是舉行婚禮的好地方。這種浪漫而不失莊重的婚禮形式就叫destination wedding(度假地婚禮)。
Destination wedding is a wedding that takes place out of town, usually at a vacation resort.
It is said that these so-called "destination weddings' are more popular for second marriages. But nowadays even first weddings are being held at resorts.
Couples opt for destination weddings to avoid the usual hassles associated with wedding ceremonies (guest lists, bands, catering, etc.) and to give themselves an instantly romantic location for their honeymoon.
新人們選擇在度假地舉行婚禮是為了免去傳統婚禮儀式的麻煩(賓客名單、樂隊、酒席,諸如此類),也是為了讓自己能迅速投入浪漫蜜月地的懷抱。 |